Certificates and Other Programs of Study

Global Studies
The Global Studies certificate provides a solid foundation in coursework and experiences that preparers students for successful leadership and professional positions, given the rich and increasing diversity in the nation and world.

Instructional Design
The Instructional Design certificate provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply modern technology in both higher educational course design and online training settings.

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Education
The Graduate Certificate in Environmental Education (EE) will appeal to students and professionals working in formal and informal education, the natural sciences, and communication.

K-12 Online
The K-12 Online certificate provides teachers with coursework and experiences to effectively deliver instruction regardless of delivery mode.

Multicultural Education
The Multicultural Education certificate provides educators and decision makers knowledge of the philosophical, historical and social foundations of education to strengthen their capacities in pedagogical practice, curriculum development, community engagement, leadership and decision making that values the rich diversity of our local and global contexts.

Early Childhood Environmental Education
The Early Childhood Environmental Education certificate prepares educators and other professionals to guide children's environmental interests and develop innovative programs. The coursework covers foundations of early childhood environmental education, field experiences in natural habitats, and academic service-learning in local communities.