Summer Financial Aid

SUMMER 2025 Financial Aid Offers will begin in April for students who meet the following criteria:

  • If previously enrolled at FAU, the student must be registered for Summer 2025 courses at FAU.
  • The student must have a completed a 2024-2025 FAFSA on file with FAU.
  • The student must have no unsatisfied financial aid requirements for the 2024-2025 year. Unsatisfied requirements will be displayed when viewing the Financial Aid Status.
  • The applicant MUST satisfy all general aid eligibility requirements as listed under the Financial Aid Policies.

YOU WILL NOT BE PROCESSED FOR SUMMER 2025 FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID UNLESS THE CRITERIA ABOVE IS MET.  Florida Bright Futures Academic Scholars and Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (and other scholarships) will receive aid even if the above is not met.

Registering for Courses

Financial Aid applicants must be registered and attend at least half time to be considered eligible for most forms of aid (see the FAU Enrollment Requirements section below for definition of half-time enrollment). Registration for ALL Summer Terms 1, 2 and 3 must be completed by Summer Term 1 drop/add deadline of May 16, 2025. Courses registered after May 16, 2025, may not be eligible for financial aid funding (exceptions made for students attending Summer Term 3 who have NO Summer Term 1 or Summer Term 2 registration activity).

FAU Enrollment Requirements

To be considered eligible for most forms of financial aid, students must attend at least half-time at FAU (see the tables below for enrollment classification criteria).


To be considered

Your Summer 2025 FAU enrollment must be

Full Time

12 or more credits

Three Quarter-Time

9 – 11 credits

Half Time

6 – 8 credits



To be considered

Your Summer 2025 FAU enrollment must be

Full Time

6 or more credits

Three Quarter-Time

5 credits

Half Time

3 – 4 credits

Your Summer 2025 Financial Aid Offer is initially based on an anticipated enrollment status of full time (12 or more credit hours for undergraduates or 6 or more credit hours for graduates). If your enrollment is less than full time, your financial aid eligibility may be reduced. Also, students enrolled exclusively in ONLY ONE of the 2 “mini-terms” (either Term 2 or Term 3) may have their aid eligibility reduced to reflect their shorter enrollment period.

Students not enrolled at least half-time at FAU will be viewed as INELIGIBLE for ALL financial aid funding with the exception of Federal Pell Grant funding (if student qualifies) and certain private/alternative loan products. Consortium students (students taking ZERO credits at FAU but planning to receive aid from FAU while attending at another institution) should refer to the Consortium Student section. Please be advised that, regardless of Financial Aid Offer projections, disbursements will be calculated based on the student’s enrollment at the end of drop/add week and may be reduced from the projected amount if the student is not attending full time.

Limited Eligibility of Repeated Courses for Title IV Funding: Federal Regulations prohibit a student from receiving Title IV funding for more than one graded repeat attempt of a course which has previously been completed with a non-failing grade. Any attempts in excess of the one additional graded attempt allowed by regulations will be ineligible for Title IV funding. Exceptions may be made for cases where the student’s program requires enrollment in same course on a continuing basis over several semesters, with each attempt having significantly different course content (such as fine arts or thesis/dissertation courses).

Degree Applicability of Courses is Required for Title IV Funding: Federal regulations stipulate that your enrollment status for Federal Title IV financial aid must be based on courses that are applicable to your program of study. Coursework which is not applicable to your degree will not count towards your enrollment status for Title IV aid. Please note this restriction only applies to the determination of your enrollment status for Federal Title IV programs (Federal Pell grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), Federal Direct Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loans, and Federal Work-Study). This restriction does not apply to the determination of your enrollment status for institutional, state, and private aid. To see whether or not the courses you are registered for are degree applicable, you should view your degree audit results via the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). You can access the DARS system by logging into MYFAU. On the Home tab, select the FAU Self-Service link and log in to Self-Service. After logging in to Self-Service, click on Student Services, then Student Records. Select View Degree Audit (DARS) to run your degree audit.

Mandatory Course Entry Quiz

Students must confirm their course entry by completing the Mandatory Course Entry Quiz for each registered class during the drop/add period for the course. Confirmation of course entry is a prerequisite for Title IV funds to disburse for the course. Additional details regarding the Mandatory Course Entry Quiz.

In addition to completing the Mandatory Course Entry Quiz, students are required to maintain eligibility for Title IV funding by displaying documented academic activity in the course. Examples of valid forms of documented activity include faculty attendance rosters, graded assignments, quizzes, or exams. Students should be aware that they may be required to repay any aid disbursed for a course for which they have no academic activity, even if the Mandatory Course Entry Quiz was completed.

Purchasing Textbooks (How to buy books tutorial)

There are two programs available for FAU financial aid recipients to obtain funding for textbook purchases. Click on the hyperlinks below for details on each program:

  • The Short Term Advance first/last day to apply can be found on our Dates and Deadlines webpage. Short Term Advance can be used anywhere for a variety of purchases. It is a cash advance directly deposited into your bank account. Dates for Summer 2025 Short Term Advance disbursements can be found on our Dates and Deadlines webpage.

Notes on Loans: There are Direct Loan limits which represent the maximum students are allowed to borrow through the Federal Direct Loan Program. Students interested in obtaining Direct Loan funding for Summer 2025 should review the Annual/Aggregate Direct Loan Limits to determine their remaining annual/aggregate eligibility.

Tuition and Fee Postponement

Summer 2025 tuition and fees will be automatically postponed for all students who meet the following 3 criteria for Summer 2025 by May 19, 2025:

  1. The student is admitted to a degree program.
  2. The student is enrolled at least half time at FAU in credits eligible for Title IV funding (see FAU Enrollment Requirements above for definition of half time – exceptions made for Federal Pell Grant recipients).
  3. The student has an accepted Summer 2025 financial aid Financial Aid Offer other than Federal Work Study.

Students who do not qualify for postponement of their payment deadline may be assessed a late payment fee, and potentially other penalties, if they do not make payment arrangements with the FAU Controller's Office within the published deadlines on the Fee Payment Information Bulletin. Details on fee payment deadlines are posted in the FAU Controller's Office Fee Payment Information Bulletin.

You are fee liable for any course you remain enrolled in after the course's drop/add period expires. With this in mind, it is important you formally withdraw from all courses you will not be attending prior to the end of the course's drop/add period. Circumstances such as failure to attend classes, failure to complete disbursement requirements, the cancellation of financial aid, or moving out of the dormitory, will NOT release you from fee liability.


Students must be enrolled half time to be eligible for disbursement of most Financial Aid Offers (exceptions made for Federal Pell Grant and certain alternative/private loan products). See the FAU Enrollment Requirements section above for definition of half time enrollment. NOTE: With the exception of Federal Pell Grants and certain alternative/private loan products, disbursement of aid is based on FAU credits ONLY.

The Bright Futures Academic Scholars and Bright Futures Medallion Scholars awards will be disbursed in Summer 2025 to eligible students attending at least half time.

State Programs such as First Generation Grant, and FSAG are not available in Summer.

Loans will disburse approximately 1 week after Summer (1,2) drop/add to students enrolled half time for Summer 2025 and attending 1 or more Summer Term 1 or Term 2 credits. If this criteria is not met, the loan(s) will not disburse until the first week of Summer Term 3.

Notes on Loans: There are Direct Loan limits which represent the maximum students are allowed to borrow through the Federal Direct Loan Program. Students interested in obtaining Direct Loan funding for Summer 2025 should review the Annual/Aggregate Direct Loan Limits  to determine their remaining annual/aggregate eligibility.

If you or your parents are interested in receiving a Parent PLUS, Graduate PLUS or a Private/Alternative Loan, information on these programs can be found on the Office of Student Financial Aid Loan website .  

FAU Grants, and Federal SEOG will disburse approximately 1 week after Summer (1,2) drop/add to students enrolled half time for Summer 2025 and have a combined Summer Term 1 and Term 2 enrollment status of half time or more. If this criteria is not met, these funds will not disburse until after the Summer Term 3 drop/add. NOTE: Federal SEOG disbursements are based on courses where the Mandatory Course Entry Quiz has been completed.

Federal Pell Grants will not disburse until the drop/add period has ended for all Summer 2025 courses for which the student is registered. NOTE: Federal Pell Grant disbursement is based on courses where the Mandatory Course Entry Quiz has been completed.


ELIGIBILITY FOR SECOND FEDERAL PELL GRANTS: Historically, Federal Pell Grant recipients have been eligible to receive a maximum of 1 Federal Pell Grant Financial Aid Offer (defined as funding for 2 semesters of 100% Enrollment Intensity or full-time enrollment) in an Financial Aid Offer year. For the Summer 2025 semester, Federal Pell Grant recipients who have exhausted their first Federal Pell Grant Financial Aid Offer will be allowed to receive funding from a 2nd Federal Pell Grant Financial Aid Offer if attending at least least 1 or more credits of eligible coursework in Summer 2025.
LIFETIME LIMIT ON FEDERAL PELL GRANT FUNDING: Students who have received Federal Pell Grant funding for 11 or more semesters of full time enrollment (or its equivalent) will have limited remaining Federal Pell Grant eligibility in compliance with the U.S. Department Of Education Federal Pell Lifetime Eligibility Limits.

Concurrent Enrollment

Students who will be enrolled at BOTH FAU AND ANOTHER INSTITUTION for Summer 2025 must submit concurrent enrollment paperwork in order to have their financial aid eligibility based on their combined enrollment at both institutions (see the Transient Terms and Conditions Form for details).

Consortium Enrollment

Students who will not be attending FAU for Summer 2025 and are seeking aid from FAU for enrollment EXCLUSIVELY AT ANOTHER INSTITUTION for Summer 2025 must have a consortium agreement completed between FAU and the host institution the student is visiting (see the Transient Terms and Conditions Form for details).

Withdrawing From Classes

Students who are viewed as withdrawn from the Summer 2025 semester may be required to repay some or all of their previously disbursed aid. Students withdrawing from ALL their Summer Term 1 AND Summer Term 2 courses will be viewed as withdrawn from the semester, even if they are registered for Summer Term 3, unless they provide the Office of Student Financial Aid a completed "Confirmation of Future Attendance" form within 3 business days of their withdrawal. View all Financial Aid Forms.