Additional Resources

Offer Projection Estimators

Below are estimators that will assist you in determining your financial aid eligibility. Please understand that completing these estimators does not take the place of actually applying for financial aid at FAU. Once you receive your offer estimation and you are ready to apply for financial aid, please submit the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Net Price Calculator  

The FAU Net Price Calculator is intended to provide estimated net price information (defined as estimated cost of attendance — including tuition and required fees, books and supplies, room and board (meals), and other related expenses — minus estimated grant and scholarship aid) to current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year. Now also available is the FAU Net Price Calculator for Graduate Students


Navigating Your Financial Future  

Navigating Your Financial Future is a valuable free resource to helpstudents and parentstransition to the college experience. There are workshops and materials offered aimed at making life easier and more successful for the college journey. Topics such as "School and Life Management" and "Managing Your Budget" are just a few workshops offered.

Navigating Your Financial Future

College Navigator  

U.S. Department of Education College Navigator U.S. Department of Education gives current information on Florida Atlantic University topics: General Information, Tuition & Fees, Financial Aid, Enrollment, Admission, Retention, Majors, Accredidation and so much more.

College Navigator


Consumer Information

According to the Federal Regulations pertaining to the Higher Education Act of 1965 a school must provide information about financial aid, its campus, facilities, student athletes, campus security, fire safety, as well as preventing drug and alcohol abuse. Information will be made available online at: Consumer Information as well as the option to provide a paper copy if requested.

The Consumer Information must be distributed annually to enrolled students by October 1st, as well as made available to current employees, perspective employees and perspective students. The information will be distributed through FAU Office of University Communications.

Below is a summary of Consumer Information that Florida Atlantic University must make available to all students in accordance with Federal Regulations in the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Each section below gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed. If you would like assistance obtaining a paper copy of the below consumer information or if you have questions about consumer information, please contact one of the following designated employees of the Office of Student Financial Aid:

Alex Laurent alaurent@yueziqi.comor by phone 561-297-3528

Suzanne Paton or by phone 561-297-2751

Our representatives may also be contacted by mail at the following address:

Student Financial Aid
777 Glades Road
Bldg SU80 Room #233
Boca Raton, FL 33431


Academic Policies & Regulations  

Information about the Policies for all students, grading system, acceptance of transfer credits, and student code of conduct regulations can be found on the University Catalog.

Academic Programs  

Florida Atlantic University offers programs that range from Undergraduate, Graduate, Continuing Education. The following link will provide information on how to apply, programs that are offered, and events:


Below are the names of associations, agencies, and/or governmental bodies that accredit, approve Florida Atlantic University and its programs. If you would like to review a copy of accreditation or licensing documents, contact Suzanne Paton in the Office of Student Financial Aid and she will assist you with obtaining this consumer information.

Add/Drop A Course  

For the last day to drop/add courses and the last day to receive a grade of "W" on transcript with fee liability, review the Academic Calendar. Dropping or adding courses, or changing sections is done in Self-Service through MYFAU. Drops after the drop/add period as indicated on the Academic Calendar are fee liable. The student may use Self-Service during the semester to drop or withdraw from a course. A drop or withdrawal after the date indicated on the Academic Calendar will incur an "F" on the student's transcript and the student is still fee liable. FAU's Exceptional Circumstance Withdrawal and other relevant policy details are in the Academic Policies section of the University Catalog. Information about Exceptional Circumstance Withdrawal or Withdrawal from the University can be found in the University Catalog under section Tuition, Fees and Refunds


Alcohol & Drug Counseling Services  

The mission of the Florida Atlantic University Counseling & Psychological Services center is to provide FAU students with timely and effective mental health services that allow them to improve and maintain their mental well-being and therefore to meet their educational, personal, emotional, and psychological goals.

Athletic Participation Rates  

As part of The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men's and women's sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available by using the “Equity in Athletics Data Analysis Cutting Tool".

Campus Crime & Safety Information  

Each year the University publishes an Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report that contains detailed information about campus safety including emergency services, safety tips, University policies, state laws and additional support services. You can view the report at:

Complete Course Withdrawal Policy  

Undergraduate students must drop or withdraw from all but one class through MYFAU by the established deadlines and complete the FAU Complete Course Withdrawal form. View the Complete Course Withdrawal Policy for more information.

Constitution Day  

FAU celebrates Constitution Day with a list of Constitution Dayevents.

Copyright Infringement Policies  

“Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject students to civil and criminal liabilities. Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement. Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may offer up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. For more information, see the website of the U.S. Copyright Office.”

Information about the university’s policies related to the use of copyrighted material: Copyright University Policy

Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS)  

The Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) produces a report reflecting academic progress toward completion of an undergraduate degree in your declared or proposed major. The DARS report, or degree audit, shows how your FAU courses, transfer courses, and courses in progress apply toward degree requirements. The Degree Audit Report is an internal document. It should be used as a tool to assist you and your adviser in planning your future coursework. It is not an official certification of your academic record. For more information visit, DARS.

Drug Conviction  

Is it true that drug convictions might affect my ability to get federal student aid?

No; your eligibility won’t be suspended. Drug convictions no longer affect federal student aid eligibility. Your eligibility for federal student aid can be affected by incarceration or another type of conviction. Click here for more information.

Educator Preparation Programs - Florida Department of Education  

Employment for Graduates  

Facilities & Services for Disabled Students  


Faculty & Staff Directory  

To view contact information for faculty & staff by department or name search view the Faculty & Staff Directory.

Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)  

FERPA, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, as well as the implementing regulations thereto, is a “federal law designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data through informal and formal hearings.” With limited prescribed exceptions, educational institutions may not release personally identifiable information or non-directory information about a student without written permission from (i) the student’s parent, or (ii) the student if over the age of 18 or attending a postsecondary institution (an “eligible student”). Florida Statutes §§1002.225 and 1006.52 offer similar protections and provisions under state law. Click for the FERPA Form.

Financial Assistance  

Florida Voter Registration  

Information provided in this section includes: Who can register to vote, how to apply, how to change name, address, party affiliation, update signature, card replacement, as well as dates to remember. More details can be found at: Florida Voter Registration.

Health Promotions  

FAU Owls Care Health Promotions offer a variety of interactive workshops, information, news and events to promote a healthy lifestyle. For more information visit Owls Care Health Promotion website.

Immunization Policy  

Pursuant to Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.001(9), prior to registration, each student accepted for admission at Florida Atlantic University must submit a signed FAU Immunization Form: Immunization Policy.

Information About Athletics  

Florida Atlantic University is committed and obligated to the principle of institutional control in operating its athletics programs in accordance with the NCAA, Conference, University and Department rules and regulations. The charge of the Athletics Compliance Office is to educate, monitor, verify and enforce the NCAA rules compliance with regard to each sport and component within the Athletics Department. The Athletic Compliance Office strives to be proactive with education along with having monitoring systems in place that are effective and user friendly.

Institutional Complaint Process  

Students who have a complaint about their educational experience at Florida Atlantic University, and the complaint is not resolved through internal University procedures, may contact any of the agencies at the Institutional Complaint Process page for assistance.

Instructional Facilities  

Information about Instructional Facilities can be found on the University Catalog.

Link to FAU  

The LINK Program offers you a unique opportunity to complete your Associate of Arts (AA) or articulated Associate of Science (AS) degree at a partner state college and continue their bachelor’s degree with guaranteed* admission to Florida Atlantic University. For more details visit Link

Private Loan  

Students are strongly encouraged to first exhaust all Federal Loan options prior to applying for a Private loan. When compared to Federal Loan Programs, Private loans are a MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE source of educational financing. Dependent Undergraduate students applying for private loan financing with a parental cosigner are advised to first investigate the options offered by the Federal PLUS program before applying for an private loan: Private Student Loans.

Quick Facts  

A quick guide to information about the FAU community ranging from degrees offered, degree programs, enrollment, average class size, online courses, etc. can be found at the following link: Quick Facts

Repayment Policy  

Undergraduate Degree Seeking Students Only: The students’ official withdrawal process from the University begins when the student withdraws from all but one class on MYFAU and submits the FAU Complete Course Withdrawal form to the Dean of Students Office. Once the Dean of Students Office has contacted the student, the FAU Complete Course Withdrawal form is then signed and returned by the Dean of Students to the Office of the Registrar, and the Registrar will withdraw the student from the final class.

Undergraduate and Graduate financial aid recipients who officially or unofficially withdraw from the University may be required to repay all or a portion of the grants and loans based on the date of withdrawal or last date of attendance at an academically related activity as documented by University records, depending on whichever date more accurately reflects the student’s ceased attendance.

The amount of federal aid that you must repay is determined by the Federal Formula for Return of Title IV funds (Section 484B of the Higher Education Act)- the full text is available at the following website address: This law also specifies the order in which funds are to be returned to the financial aid programs from which they were offered, starting with loan programs.

If you withdraw from the University, your eligibility for Federal Title IV funds (Pell Grant, SEOG, Perkins Loans, and Direct Loans) will be recalculated based on your last date of attendance at an academically related activity as documented by University records. If you were originally enrolled in multiple parts of term, your last date of attendance would ONLY include all days attended in any parts of term within the semester, excluding any overlapping days attended. The amount of Federal Title IV funds you have earned will be determined by multiplying the total Federal Title IV aid you were qualified to receive by the percentage of the days of the term that you attended (excluding days classified on your program’s academic calendar as scheduled breaks of 5 or more days). If the calculated amount of Federal Title IV aid earned exceeds the amount disbursed, you may receive a post-withdrawal disbursement for the difference. If the amount of Federal Title IV aid disbursed exceeds the calculated amount earned, you will be required to repay an amount of the disbursed aid which exceeds the calculated earned amount.

The responsibility for returning unearned Title IV aid is shared between the University and you. FAU will return the disbursed but unearned Federal Title IV aid back to the financial aid accounts in accordance with federal regulations and bill your student account for the amount returned.

Florida Bright Futures Recipients: Florida Bright Futures Recipients will be required to repay any Florida Bright Futures funding received for withdrawn courses.

Retention, Graduation, and Completion Rates  

Information pertaining to Florida Atlantic University retention, graduation and completion rates can be viewed retention, graduation and completion rates report.
For additional information, visit the IEA ipeads site. To view these rates at-a-glance, view the retention, graduation and completion rates summary.

Graduation Rate of Pell grant, Subsidized, Unsubsidized loan receipients

Student Athlete Graduation Rates

Student Activities  

For information about student activities visit Student Activities & Involvement.

Student Body Diversity  

For information and/or statistics about the diversity of the University Student Body use the following links below:

Student Loan Code of Conduct  

The Board of Governors of the State University System recognizes that ensuring the integrity of the student financial aid process is critical to providing fair and affordable access to higher education in Florida. Therefore, the Board has formalized the following guiding principles that shall be effective immediately and must be adopted by each University’s Board of Trustees as soon as practicable. These guidelines are designed to avoid any potential for a conflict of interest between the University, its students or their parents in the student financial aid process. Accordingly, each University shall take all reasonable steps to adhere to the following principles in the University’s financial aid operations: More Details can be found at Student Loan Code of Conduct

Study Abroad Credit Policies  

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Office of International Programs (OIP) of any changes to their study abroad program course schedule during the first week of classes at the overseas institution. Failure to do so could result in a $100.00 late registration fee for classes added or dropped after the published deadlines and a $100 late payment fee. Students may also be held liable for tuition for those courses that are dropped or added late. This pertains to all students who are registered at FAU for overseas programs. Overseas transcripts must be sent to the OIP for processing. FAU reserves the right to request a professional transcript evaluation if deemed necessary at the student’s expense. Course petitions must be complete prior to departure. The grade(s) students earn abroad is/are the grade(s) transferred to your FAU GPA. OIP will not guarantee credit for courses that were not approved for credit. It is the student’s responsibility to notify OIP in writing of any schedule changes and to wait for notice that the course(s) have been approved for credit before changing their schedule. Making changes without prior approval could result in those courses not being recognized for credit. Financial aid: Students may be able to use their financial aid for study abroad. Enrollment in a program of study abroad approved for credit by the home institution may be considered enrollment at the home institution for the purpose of applying for Title IV aid. The amount of the financial aid offered and its availability will be determined by the Office of Financial Aid. A student needs to have a current FAFSA on file in order to apply for funding. If funding is offered the student must go online and accept his/her offer. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all paperwork required by financial aid has been completed prior to their departure; this includes but is not limited to signing their promissory note. Further, any student using financial aid must notify the Office of International Programs of their offer and provide a copy of the offer letter. Course approvals, transient forms, and petitions must be completed prior to departure for your aid to release. The required Financial Aid Survey which is sent to your FAU email account each term, for each course you are registered for, must be completed during the first week of classes at FAU. Even if you are overseas already, you must do this for your aid to release. For more information on how FAU financial aid works for study abroad, please consult the special programs guidebook. Transcripts and Financial Aid: Overseas transcripts may take up to several months to arrive at FAU and be posted to a student’s academic record. The temporary absence of grades may affect the offering and release of further financial aid, including Bright Futures, Pell grants, scholarships, grants and student loans. OIP processes transcripts for students going on FAU exchange programs as soon as they arrive and notifies both the student and financial aid once grades have posted to the students account. Students going on affiliated programs or to a direct enroll location are responsible for obtaining their overseas transcript and sending it to the Registrar for recording. When notified, OIP will assist a student having difficulty getting a transcript in a reasonable timeframe. All students are responsible for any follow-up with financial aid after a time abroad, to ensure the timely release of any pending or future financial aid.

Transfer Student Guide Book  

A Transfer Student Guide book is available for each college listing both lower-division requirements as well as requirements for the college and major. For a list of institutions with which FAU has an articulation agreement view the Articulation Agreements with FAU document. For more details visit Transfer Student Guide.

Tuition, Fees and Refunds  

Information about tuition, additional university fees as well as policy on refund of registration fees can be found at Tuition, Fees and Refunds.

Textbook Information  

For information on the pricing of textbooks and materials for all classes visit: Florida Atlantic University Bookstore.

Types Of Graduate And Professional Education In Which Graduates Of FAU Four-Year Degree Programs Enroll

Financial Aid Glossary

The Financial Aid Glossary will help you understand key terms as it relates to financial aid.

Shopping Sheet

The 2020-2021 Statistics for FAU:

  • Graduation Rate = 49.6%
  • Loan Default Rate = 3.2%
  • Median Borrowing for Undergraduate Study = $16,800
  • Federal Loan Payment over 10 Years for $16,800 = approximately $178.60 per month

Students may access their personal shopping sheet:

  1. Sign into MYFAU with your FAU credentials
  2. Click/tap the "Money Matters!" tile
  3. Click/tap the "View My Financial Aid Information" tile
  4. Click/tap the "Shopping Sheet" tile


For general information regarding the Shopping Sheet view the US Dept of Education Shopping Sheet Information.

Tuition Exemptions

New Tuition Exemptions and Fee Waivers implemented on July 1, 2014.

Web Resources

Please check the following website resources for additional financial aid opportunities:

Expanding Undergraduate Research & Inquiry   Expanding Undergraduate Research & Inquiry

Register To Vote Information