Carpool Program

To park in the carpool spaces, vehicles must display both a valid FAU permit AND a valid carpool permit. Failure to display either permit may result in a citation up to $50.00. You must also park in a space appropriate to your parking permit. (Students must park in student parking lots.) The carpool program is open to commuter students only. Faculty and staff are also eligible for the carpool program.



How to register for a Carpool Permit

For more information about the carpool program and to register for your Carpool Permit, visit the Carpool Registration website link below:

Carpool Permit Registration 

If you are interested in carpooling but don't have anyone to carpool with, our partners at South Florida Commuter Services can help. There is a free carpool matching service provided for FAU faculty, staff and students.

Please review the complete list of regulations governing the use of the carpool parking program.

Where are Carpool Parking Spots

Carpool parking spaces are available in the following parking lots:

Lot (and closest building) Number of Spaces Permits
Lot 1 North End (Nursing) 4 Red Hangtags
Lot 1 South End 4 Red Hangtags / Blue Permits
Lot 4 (Biomed) 9 Red Hangtags
Lot 6 (Fleming Hall) 4 Red Hangtags
Lot 6 (Business-second row) 4 Red Hangtags / Blue Permits
Lot 8 (Education) 4 Red Hangtags
Lot 9 (Education) 8 Red Hangtags / Blue Permits
Lot 16 4 Red Hangtags / Blue Permits
Lot 19 4 Red Hangtags / Blue Permits
Garage 2 5 Red Hangtags / Blue Permits