Registration and Records


Registration and records information and services are available at the following telephone numbers, websites or email address:

General Information 561-297-3041
Address changes
Admissions Information:  
Graduate 561-297-3624
Undergraduate 561-297-3040
Enrollment Verifications 561-297-2711
Graduation 561-297-2731
Registration/FAU Self-Service
Residency Reclassification 561-297-2408
Transcript Information 561-297-3056
Official Transcripts
Unofficial Transcripts
Registration and Records information at FAU's Partner campuses:
FAU Davie 954-236-1010
FAU Jupiter 561-799-8549


Registration Requirement
No student may attend a course for which he or she is not registered, either as a degree-seeking student or as a non-degree-seeking student.

Orientation, Advisement and Registration for Entering Degree-Seeking Students

All new, first baccalaureate, degree-seeking students are required to attend orientation, advisement and registration programs. The Office of New Student Orientation coordinates all orientation programs for undergraduate degree-seeking students. Orientation is designed to accomplish many goals: introduce students to FAU and the University's services and programs, provide academic advising and assist students with the challenges they will face as new students at FAU. Even if students attended another institution, orientation is essential for getting ahead at FAU because it provides the basic information needed to succeed at FAU. The program presents this information in the most concise manner possible so that a student's time at orientation is spent efficiently.

Detailed instructions pertaining to orientation, advisement and registration are sent to new students as they are admitted. For additional information, refer to the "New Student Orientation" heading in the Student Services and Activities section of this catalog, or visit the office's website.

Registration for Continuing Degree-Seeking Students
Continuing students at FAU may register during the registration period (see the Academic Calendar for dates). Students use FAU Self-Service, available through MyFAU, to register for courses.

Academic Advising
Academic advising is an integral part of the higher education experience. Its primary purpose is to assist students in developing meaningful educational plans compatible with their life goals. This is accomplished in a variety of ways, but always in collaboration with college, departmental or professional advising personnel. These meetings provide the student with an introduction to the campus, to student services and to the academic programs and requirements of the major.

Advising Policy Statement
Florida Atlantic University recognizes and embraces its responsibility to provide students with the necessary and appropriate skills, abilities, information and resources to enable them to make enlightened decisions. To meet the challenges of excellence in education, this institution is committed to offering its students the opportunity to receive assistance and guidance in clarifying life and career goals, develop suitable educational plans, strengthen decision-making skills, increase their awareness of University policies and procedures and acquire information regarding University and community resources.

Students must be active participants in deciding the goals and direction of their university experience, and they are expected to avail themselves of all opportunities to become knowledgeable, self-directed and competent decision-makers. As partners in the advising process, the student and advisor work toward the common goal of enhancing the academic experience by devising the best possible academic program. However, students must ultimately take responsibility for their own progress toward a degree.

Advising in the Colleges
The specific type of advising program adopted by the academic units at FAU varies by college and by department. Students are urged to check with their major college or department to familiarize themselves with the advising program pertaining to them.

The academic advising and registration process varies from college to college. Each process is described according to the college in which the student is enrolled.

Registration appointment times are assigned to currently enrolled students prior to registration. The Registration Schedule is available a few weeks prior to the beginning of registration for the upcoming term. Academic advising may occur at any point during the academic year. Academic advisement is not mandatory; however, certain circumstances may require some students to see an advisor. Please contact your college or department advising office to determine academic advising procedures and to make an appointment for advisement.

Although advising may not be required in every college, students should inform their colleges and individual departments of any changes made in their schedule so that these offices are able to keep accurate records. See "Determining a Semester Schedule" in this section for more information.

Closed Classes - In order to obtain permission to register for a filled class, check each college's procedure by selecting the "Closed Classes" option in the online course schedule. The current course schedule is available at In all cases, a signature, college stamp and override stamp are required for registration in person.

College-Specific Advising Requirements

Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters (FAU Boca Raton)

Academic advising in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters fosters relationships with undergraduate students to assist them in achieving their academic, personal, and professional goals. Students pursuing majors or minors in the College should plan to work closely with academic advisors throughout their program to ensure they understand and are meeting all degree requirements at the state, college, and university levels.

Students. . .

  1.  Attend and participate in a University orientation session. This session will provide general information about policies and processes essential to the student’s success as well as facilitate initial interactions with an advisor as the student begins to plan a schedule and academic coursework.
  2. Are advised by professional advisors in Student Academic Services as well as faculty members in certain academic departments. Students are expected to seek advisement in their respective major area as well as meet with academic advisors in Student Academic Services. Additional information about the appropriate resources and appointments are available by calling 561-297-3800 or visiting its website.
  3. Are expected to have prepared a tentative schedule prior to meeting with an advisor. Advisors are not able to register students for courses or plan exact schedules. Students will receive guidance and accurate information about appropriate or recommended course(s) but will develop a specific schedule and register themselves using the available online resources.
  4.  Are expected to schedule an appointment proactively with an advisor once a semester to ensure they remain on track to meet their academic goals and degree requirements within University completion guidelines. However, more frequent advising sessions may be helpful and allow additional opportunities to explore interests, discuss goals and obtain assistance with decision making as needed.

Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters (FAU Davie)

Students with 60 or more credits. . .

  1. Attend and participate in a University orientation session. This session will provide general information about policies and processes essential to the student’s success as well as facilitate initial interactions with an advisor as the student begins to plan a schedule and academic coursework.
  2.  Are advised by professional advisors in Student Academic Services. Students are expected to seek advisement in their respective major area as well as for the remainder of the College and University requirements. Additional information about the appropriate resources and appointments are available by contacting Student Academic Services at 561-297-3800 or visiting its website.
  3. Are expected to have prepared a tentative schedule prior to meeting with an advisor. Advisors are not able to register students for courses or plan exact schedules. Students will receive guidance and accurate information about appropriate or recommended course(s) but will develop a specific schedule and register themselves using the available online resources.
  4. Are expected to schedule an appointment proactively with an advisor once a semester to ensure they remain on track to meet their academic goals and degree requirements within University completion guidelines. However, more frequent advising sessions may be helpful and allow additional opportunities to explore interests, discuss goals and obtain assistance with decision making as needed..

Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters (FAU Jupiter)

Students. . .

  1. Attend University orientation in their first semester.
  2. Meet with an academic advisor to discuss curriculum requirements and selection of courses and to design a program of study.
  3. May need to seek advising services on the Boca Raton or Davie campus (or via phone/Skype appointment) depending on their particular major.

College of Business (FAU Boca Raton)

New Students. . .

  1.  Attend College orientation and complete semester registration.

Continuing Students. . .

  1. Are required to meet with an academic advisor every semester. For appointment availability, visit the College's website or call 561-297-3688.
  2. Are required to meet with an advisor the semester prior to the anticipated graduation date for a graduation audit.

College of Business (FAU Davie)

New Students. . .

  1. Attend College orientation and complete semester registration.

Continuing Students. . .

  1. Are required to meet with an academic advisor every semester. For appointment availability, visit the College's website or call 954-236-1290.
  2. Are required to meet with an advisor the semester prior to the anticipated graduation date for a graduation audit.

College of Business (FAU Jupiter)

Students. . .

  1.  Attend college orientation.
  2. Make an appointment with an academic advisor in the Academic Services Office, SR 139, 561-799-8697.
  3.  Are required to meet with an advisor the semester prior to the anticipated graduation date for a graduation audit.


College of Education (FAU Boca Raton)

New Students. . .

  1. Attend College orientation.
  2.  Break up into groups according to major.
  3. Are advised of selection of courses within group.
  4. Complete registration (in person first semester, online or in person thereafter).

Continuing Students. . .

  1. Are assigned permanent advisors once complete records are on file in the Office for Academic and Student Services, ED 230.
  2. May make an appointment with their advisor or in the Office for Academic and Student Services (561-297-3570) at any point in the semester for academic advisement.
  3. May see an advisor for counseling at time of registration each term.
  4. Are expected to see an advisor the semester prior to student teaching and graduation.

College of Education (FAU Davie)

New Students. . .

  1. Attend College orientation.
  2. Break into groups according to major.
  3. Are counseled by an advisor.
  4. Complete registration in LA 203.

Continuing Students. . .

  1. Must have approval from an advisor to make changes in scheduled courses after the registration period.
  2. Are expected to see an advisor for counseling at the time of registration for each term.
  3. May secure advice and assistance at any time from an advisor at College of Education, ES 202, 954-236-1028.

College of Education (FAU Jupiter)

New Students. . .

  1.  Attend College orientation.
  2.  Receive individual or group counseling from an advisor.
  3. Complete registration in SR 139 or online through

Continuing Students. . .

  1.  Must have approval from an advisor to make changes in scheduled courses after the registration period.
  2. Are expected to see an advisor for counseling at the time of registration for each term.
  3. May secure advice and assistance at any time from an advisor at College of Education, 561-799-8135.


College of Engineering and Computer Science

All Students. . .
Are assigned an advisor upon admission to a program. Due to the sequential nature of all baccalaureate programs in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, students are strongly encouraged to remain in close contact with their assigned advisors when making decisions regarding their academic programs. Some departments require consultation with an advisor each semester. Click here for advisor information.

New Students. . .

  1.  Attend College orientation.
  2. Attend departmental orientation sessions where they meet advisors and develop individual programs of study.
  3. Complete registration.
  4. Should first consult with their advisor if it appears necessary to drop.

Continuing Students. . .

  1.  Receive registration information and instructions in the mail.
  2. Discuss progress with advisor each term, especially the term prior to graduation.
  3. May self-advise and complete registration if they are following a planned program approved by their advisor. However, some departments require consultation with an advisor each semester.


Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College

All Students. . .

  1.  Attend the Honors College orientation. Only students who attend orientation will be assured of early advisement.
  2.  During orientation, advising appointment material will be distributed to students. It will contain the advisor's name, location and time of the appointment.
  3.  Faculty members within the Honors College are the advisors. They will discuss with students the curriculum requirements and selection of courses and will aid in designing a program of study. If all registration holds have been cleared, students will register for classes following this appointment.
  4. Students are required to consult with their advisor when making any changes to their schedule (adding/dropping classes, etc.) and also each semester during registration to discuss the schedule and register for the next term. Honors College students may register online once they meet with their advisor and their advising hold is removed. For more information, consult the College's website.

Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing

Students admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. . .

  1. Attend College orientation when admitted to FAU.
  2. Attend College of Nursing orientation when admitted to B.S.N. program.
  3. Are expected to see the College academic advisor prior to the registration period each term if questions arise. Freshman Direct Admit Track and Accelerated Track advisors then register students in all the nursing courses.
  4.  Must see their advisor the semester prior to anticipated graduation.

Freshman Direct Admit Track information:
Accelerated Track information:
RN-B.S.N. Track

All admitted and continuing Nursing students. . .

  1.  Freshman Direct Admit Track and Accelerated Track meet with advisors at least twice a semester.
  2. RN-B.S.N. Track students meet with advisor at least once a semester.
  3. All B.S.N. students must see their advisor the semester prior to anticipated graduation.
  4. Advisors for the Freshman Direct Admit Track and Accelerated Track register students in all nursing courses.


Charles E. Schmidt College of Science (FAU Boca Raton)

Students. . .

  1. Attend College orientation in their first semester.
  2. Plan a schedule of courses.
  3. Complete registration (in person first semester, online thereafter).
  4.  Are expected to see an advisor at time of registration each term.
  5. Are expected to see an advisor the semester prior to anticipated graduation.

Consult the College's website for more information.

Charles E. Schmidt College of Science (FAU Davie)

Students. . .

  1.  Attend College orientation in their first semester.
  2. Are expected to seek advisement from the Office of Academic Support Services in LA 421 and the faculty advisor in the student's major academic discipline.
  3. Meet with an advisor to discuss curriculum requirements and selection of courses and design a program of study.
  4.  Fill out the registration forms and complete registration (with an advisor their first semester, online or in person thereafter).
  5. Are expected to notify the Office of Academic Support Services before making changes in scheduled courses after the registration period.
  6.  Are expected to contact their advisor prior to registration each term.
  7.  May secure advice and assistance at any time from the Office of Academic Support Services and the faculty members in their major academic discipline.


Charles E. Schmidt College of Science (FAU Jupiter)

Students. . .

  1. Attend College orientation.
  2.  Make an appointment with an academic advisor in SR 139 and the faculty advisor in their major academic discipline.
  3.  Are expected to meet with an academic advisor during their first semester in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
  4. Meet with an advisor to discuss curriculum requirements and selection of courses and design a program of study.
  5. Are expected to see an advisor before registration each term and the semester before anticipated graduation for a graduation audit.
  6. May receive academic services through the Academic Programs Office, SR 118, 516-799-8697.


College of Social Work and Criminal Justice

Students. . .

  1. Must attend a University Orientation prior to their first semester, during which they will be advised on the selection of courses and directed on how to complete registration.
  2.  May make an appointment for advisement in Student Services at the Davie, Boca Raton or Jupiter campus any time after they have submitted their official transcripts to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, and they have been posted. Click here for contact information.
  3.  Are expected to consult with an advisor during the advance and regular registration periods.
  4. Are expected to meet with an academic advisor during the semester prior to the semester of anticipated graduation for a graduation audit and at any time the student needs academic advisement. Students are required to meet with an advisor at least once a year.

Course Load

Full-time undergraduate students are those who are registered for 12 or more credits in any semester. A typical undergraduate course load is 15 or 16 credits with 18 credits being the maximum. Registrations exceeding this maximum must be approved in advance by the dean of the college.

The maximum undergraduate load in the summer semester is 9 credits each for short terms 2 and 3, and 18 credits for the full term 1. The maximum for the entire summer (whatever combination is taken) may not exceed 18 credits. Registrations exceeding this maximum must be approved in advance by the dean of the college.

Half-time undergraduate students are those who are registered for 6 to 11 credits. Any student registered for 5 or fewer credits is classified as less than half-time. Students who drop courses during a semester, reducing their registration below 12 credits, will be classified as outlined above.

For fall and spring semesters: Graduate students registered for 9 or more credits are considered full-time, registrations for 7 credits are considered 3/4-time and registrations for 4.5 credits are considered half-time.

For the summer semester: Graduate students registered for 6 credits are considered full-time, registrations for 5 credits are considered 3/4-time and registrations for 3 credits are considered half-time.

Registrations exceeding 15 credits in any semester must be approved in advance by the Graduate College. This procedure is accomplished by completing a Form 10-Request to Waive a University Requirement, available in any college dean's office. Graduate students who drop courses and reduce their enrollment below the full-time minimums will be regarded as part-time students. See below for exceptions: Graduate Student Enrollment Petitions.

Note: Students on F-1 visas, students on graduate assistantships, students living in on-campus housing and student athletes are required to register for a full-time course load.

Course Schedule

The course schedule is available at (select searchable schedule). The University provides the current term's schedule and preliminary schedules for future terms up to 18 months in advance to allow for student planning. The schedule includes, but is not limited to, details on course sections, meeting times and room assignments. It is subject to change without notice.

Determining a Semester Schedule
Prior to selecting courses for each semester, undergraduate and graduate students should:

  1. Read the Degree Requirements section in this University Catalog for the requirements pertaining to the student's degree.
  2. Check the prerequisites and course descriptions of the relevant courses in the Course Description sections within each college section in this catalog.
  3. See the course schedule ( to determine when and where the relevant courses are offered.
  4. Review the Online Degree Audit information found at in the Student Services tab.
  5. See the subsection Course Load in this section for maximum course-load limits.
  6. See University Forgiveness Policy in the Academic Policies and Regulations section if intending to repeat a course.
  7. See an academic advisor
  8. Additional recommendations for undergraduates: See the Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses subsection in the Academic Policies and Regulations section of this catalog if interested in enrolling in a graduate-level (5000-, 6000-level) course.
  9. See the subsection Transient Students in this section if considering taking a course elsewhere.

Waitlist Program
FAU’s new waitlist program, accessible through MyFAU, allows students to place themselves on a waitlist for classes that have reached the maximum enrollment limit. Students are notified by email if a spot opens in the class and are given a pre-determined amount of time to register. Should that time expire, the open seat is then made available to the next student on the list. Courses are selected for waitlist by the department offering the course. Therefore, waitlist courses may vary from semester to semester.

Dual Enrollment for Qualified High School Students

The High School Dual Enrollment Program allows qualified students in 6th through 12th grades to earn college credit toward a postsecondary degree or certificate at a Florida public institution that will also count as credit toward a high school diploma. For additional information, visit the Office of the Registrar's website or call 561-297-2009.

Reclassification to Florida Resident Status for Tuition Purposes

Enrolled students who are classified as non-Florida residents for tuition purposes and who, after reading the determination of resident status for tuition purposes in Florida Statute 1009.21, believe that they may qualify for in-state tuition, may submit a Request for Residency Reclassification form, available online or from the Office of the Registrar. Forms must be submitted to the Registrar by the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. Supporting documentation is required to substantiate residency for tuition purposes. Merely submitting documentation for Florida residency classification does not guarantee Florida residency status.

To appeal a residency determination, a student must submit a Residency Classification Appeal form to the Residency Appeals Committee through the Office of the Registrar. This form must be submitted by the last day of the current term in which the student intends to be reclassified.

The Residency Appeals Committee decision constitutes the final decision of Florida Atlantic University. A student may seek judicial review of this final University decision under Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. This may be done by filing within thirty (30) days of the date of this decision: (i) a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of Florida Atlantic University; and (ii) a copy of the Notice of Appeal with the Clerk of the Fourth District Court of Appeal or the Court of Appeal for the district in which the student resides, together with any filing fees that may be prescribed by law.

Registration for Auditors

Auditors are those individuals wishing to attend classes without receiving credit. Auditors who are FAU degree-seeking students need to fill out the Request for Audit form each semester that they register to audit a course. Students should check with their college to determine if there are limits on auditing courses. Students cannot change to audit status after the end of the drop/add period.  Auditors who are not degree-seeking at FAU, must fill out the Non-Degree Enrollment application and the Request for Audit form.

All students (whether degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking) wishing to audit a course must also obtain approval from the instructor on the Request for Audit form (signature of instructor and college stamp are required). No college credit is given for audited courses. Audited courses appear on the student's transcript with a notation of AU. Regular tuition and fees apply. To view our full cost of attendance information page, visit Registration for auditors is conducted during the drop/add registration period. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Registration for auditors is on a space-available basis and, because of limitations in instructional resources, the enrollment of auditors may be restricted in some courses.

60+ Audit Program
The 60+ Audit Program allows Florida residents who are 60 years of age or older to audit, tuition-free (other registration fees still apply), courses appearing in the 60+ schedule of courses. A Florida resident is defined as an individual who has resided in the state for 12 consecutive months, prior to the beginning of classes, and who has established legal ties in Florida (see Florida Statute 1009.21).

The 60+ Audit Program's requirements and courses are posted on the Registrar's Office website for spring term and for summer/fall terms. The website provides a detailed explanation of the documents required to register for this program. To view details of the 60+ Audit Program, click here. For additional information, call 561-297-3050.

Registration for Non-Degree-Seeking Students

Non-degree-seeking students are those who do not wish to enter a degree program at FAU but would like to take courses at FAU for credit, perhaps with the intention of transferring those credits to another institution or for their own enrichment. Undergraduate non-degree applicants must have earned a minimum of a high school diploma in order to be admitted in a non-degree status. Graduate non-degree applicants must have earned a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in order to be admitted in a non-degree status. Non-degree-seeking students must process the Non-Degree Enrollment application, available online or at the Office of the Registrar. A $30 non-refundable and non-transferable fee must accompany the Non-Degree Enrollment application. Florida residency documentation and verification of compliance with the State of Florida's Measles/Rubella Immunization Policy also must be provided at the time of registration. Students who do not supply a completed Non-Degree Residency application along with supporting documentation will be classified for tuition purposes as a non-Florida resident.

Consult the Academic Calendar for registration dates. Registration of non-degree-seeking students is on a space-available basis and, because of limitations in instructional resources, the enrollment of non-degree-seeking students may be restricted in some courses.

Non-degree-seeking students are subject to the same academic standards and pay the same fees as degree-seeking students. Non-degree-seeking students are subject to all drop/add, withdrawal, and payment deadlines published in the Academic Calendar. (Refer to Drop/Add and Withdrawal in the Academic Policies and Regulations section as well.) It is the student's responsibility to ensure that course prerequisites and any other course qualifications have been met prior to registering. Check with the department offering the course(s) for prerequisites.

Non-degree-seeking students who decide to pursue a degree must change their status to degree-seeking by applying for admission to the University. An undergraduate or graduate admission application and all credentials necessary for admission to degree status must be submitted by the application deadline for the semester. All requirements for admission to degree programs in effect at that time must be met. Refer to the Admissions section for specific information.

Credits earned as a non-degree-seeking student will appear on an FAU transcript but are not intended for application to FAU degree programs. However, up to one-half of degree requirements earned in non-degree status at FAU may be applied to an undergraduate degree program, but only upon degree-seeking admission to the University and approval by the college in which the student's program is housed. For example, students who do not present transfer credits could apply up to 60 non-degree credits earned at FAU toward their 120-credit degree program. Students with transfer credits, for example 30 credits, may apply up to 45 non-degree credits earned at FAU toward their 120-credit degree program (120 credits minus 30 transfer credits = 90 credits remaining and 1/2 of 90 = 45 credits).

For graduate students, credits earned as a non-degree-seeking student will appear on an FAU transcript but are not intended for application to an FAU graduate program. Up to one-third of degree requirements earned in non-degree status may be applied to a degree program at FAU, but only upon degree-seeking admission to the University and approval by the college in which the student's program is housed. However, no college may count such credit in excess of one-third of the credits toward a graduate degree without an approved Form 10-Request to Waive a University Requirement.

Non-degree students who have not enrolled at FAU for three or more consecutive semesters must submit a new Non-Degree Enrollment application, a new Non-Degree Residency application and supporting documentation as noted above accompanied by a $30 non-refundable, non-transferable application fee.

Note: Students in a non-degree-seeking status are not eligible for financial aid.  Students who have been denied admission to FAU as degree-seeking undergraduates must wait three semesters before they are eligible to register as non-degree-seeking students.

Note: International students on J-1 visas may be admitted as non-degree-seeking students after submission and processing of a non-degree application if they are coming to FAU as part of a reciprocal student exchange under an operative exchange agreement between FAU and their home institution, or if they are a sponsored student. Students coming on an exchange program must work with the Office of International Programs to meet all requirements of the exchange and to obtain information on how to apply as a non-degree-seeking student. Sponsored students seeking access as non-degree-seeking must work with their desired host department before applying for non-degree-student status. The J-1 visa will be issued by FAU for the specific purpose and period of study at FAU once the student is approved for the exchange or for non-degree status as a sponsored student.

Returning Students

If you are a former degree-seeking FAU student, but not currently enrolled, your eligibility to return will depend on several factors. If you have not attended for at least three consecutive semesters (ex. fall, spring and summer semesters), you must re-apply for admission. Undergraduate students, click here. Graduate students, click here.

Degree-seeking students returning after an absence of more than a year may also be subject to the following:

  1. If the last enrollment was more than one year (three consecutive semesters) ago, the student must file a new admissions application with the appropriate documents and submit a new application fee of $30.
  2. Any re-admission applicants who feel they qualify as Florida Residents for tuition purposes must complete the Residency Classification portion of their new application. Failure to provide all relevant information and supporting documents could result in a Non-Florida/out-of-state status, regardless of residency status since last attending FAU.
  3. The student must be in good standing (eligible to return) at FAU and at any institution attended since last period of enrollment at FAU.
  4. If the student has attended another institution since the last period of enrollment at FAU, official transcripts must be forwarded by the registrar of the other institution(s) directly to the FAU Office of Admissions for undergraduate students and to the Graduate College for graduate students.
  5. Returning students under the age of 40 must submit proof of conformity to the Measles Immunization Policy of the State of Florida if they have not already done so. Check with Student Health Services.
  6. Students who have not enrolled for three consecutive semesters or more will not be allowed to enroll for courses without being fully admitted by either the Office of Admissions or the Graduate College. Students whose admission has been denied must contact the relevant admissions office for re-evaluation of their status and must be admitted before they can return.
  7. Students who re-apply to a program are not guaranteed re-admission to the program in which they were previously admitted. Due to possible changes in admissions standards and capacity at any given time, students may be denied admission even if their academic records remained the same or improved since their last enrollment.
  8. Students will be required to follow the University Catalog guidelines in place at the time of re-admission.
  9. Students who are returning after more than three consecutive semesters away from FAU must go through orientation again and pay the orientation fee.

If you are a non-degree-seeking student and you have attended within the last 12 months, go to to begin the registration process. If it has been more than 12 months or three consecutive semesters (ex., fall, spring and summer semesters), you must file a Non-Degree Residency Classification form, available online or at the Office of the Registrar.

Transient Coursework

Upon matriculation at Florida Atlantic University, undergraduate students are expected to take courses required for their degree in residence at FAU. (See the following section for exceptions for students matriculating with an A.A. degree from an FCS institution.) Students wishing to take courses elsewhere must follow the process found on the FAU Transient Student website and obtain approval in advance. 

Also, students should be aware of the following requirements:

  1. The last 30 upper-division credits must be taken at FAU;
  2.  At least 75 percent of the upper-division courses in the major must be taken at FAU. Some majors may require more than 75 percent. Consult the degree requirements section of the major for details.

Students who find it necessary to take an upper-division course elsewhere within their last 30 credits of enrollment may petition to do so via the Academic Petitions Process. See the Academic Petitions Process and Academic Appeals subsections in the Academic Policies and Regulations section of this catalog. This petition must be approved before students can submit their transient request at

In order for a transient form to be approved, the student must be in good standing at FAU and eligible to register for the term of the transient form. If the transient term is the first term of the student’s admission, the student must also be registered for courses at FAU.

For information on financial aid for transient coursework, visit

Transient Coursework for Students with an Associate in Arts from a Florida College System (FCS) Institution
Students matriculating at FAU with an A.A. degree from an FCS institution may continue to earn credits at the FCS institution, provided that the following is met:

  1. The course is the same prefix and course number as a course listed by FAU as required for the degree or as a course prerequisite for a required course for the degree.
  2.  Students must meet the same minimum grade requirements as the course grade minimums required of native students.
  3. The earning of such credit  does not conflict  with the FAU’s residency requirements in final semesters. 

Transfer to Another Institution
A student who plans to transfer from FAU to another institution should, at the earliest possible date, request that an official FAU transcript be forwarded by the Office of the Registrar to the new institution (see Transcripts within this section). Evaluation of transcripts is the responsibility of the new institution.

Student Records

Student records submitted to the University become the property of the University and cannot be returned to the student or released to a third party. These records will be used by officials of the University in any manner deemed appropriate in order to guide students toward their academic objectives.

It is the policy of the University to include in the academic records of undergraduate students all appropriate college-level work attempted or completed at another institution. In the case of second baccalaureate and graduate students, only work attempted or completed at another institution after receipt of the baccalaureate degree and approved by a college representative for use in the FAU degree program is included in the academic record.

Access to Student Records
Florida Atlantic University regulations, federal law and state law guarantee certain rights pertaining to University records and personally identifiable information on file with the University. These rights may be exercised by any student or prior student. The parent or guardian of a student may exercise such rights when the student is under 18 years of age and/or a dependent under the Internal Revenue Service definition of dependent.

Additional information regarding access, rights and restrictions related to student records may be found at:

  1. University Regulation 4.008;
  2. Florida Statutes Chapter 1002;
  3. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA") (20 U.S.C. § 1232g - Family Educational and Privacy Rights);
  4. The Office of the Registrar.

Hold on Records
Student records may be placed in a hold status because of financial or other obligations to the University. While the student's records are on hold, registration will not be permitted nor will official transcripts be released. Records will be held until the obligation is cleared to the satisfaction of the office or department issuing the hold.

Official transcripts of a student's FAU academic record are available from the Office of the Registrar. Official transcript requests may be made through There is a $10 charge per transcript. Official transcripts will not be issued for students with any financial obligations to the University. Please allow two business days for processing.

Unofficial transcripts are also available at

Statistics (Students' Right to Know)

For FAU graduation rates and other student statistics, visit the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis website.

FAU's Clery Act Report, Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics, is available on the FAU Police website. Paper copies may be obtained at the Police Department. The Clery Act also includes a Fire Safety Report.